Welcome to New Gospel Frontiers!

We are an all-volunteer organization with extensive experience in Kazakhstan and a heart for missions in Central Asia. The one and only objective of New Gospel Frontiers is to win souls for Christ. We have identified the critical issues that need to be resolved in order to evangelize this region of the world for the first time in history. Our hope is that the resulting strategic approach will enable U.S. churches to begin critical missions work immediately, saving you the time, money and effort required to perform independent research.

New Gospel Frontiers ensures that 100% of the donated funds go directly from your church to the mission effort that God leads your church to support. We also provide multiple levels of authentication to document that your donation was used as you intended.

Please browse through the information on our website (see the Start Here tab above) and then contact us as God leads. Thanks for your interest and God bless!

- NGF Staff



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