New Gospel Frontiers Background Paper Mission Statement
Revision: February 25, 2009
New Gospel Frontiers (NGF) began when a Christian couple began to pray that God would direct and guide them to an area of need within the Body of Christ. God laid a burden on their hearts for the people who, until 1991, had lived behind the Iron Curtain. Through interviews with Christian leaders, missionaries and pastors in the Former Soviet Union, it became apparent that the key impediment to the Gospel being spread was a severe lack of trained church planting missionaries and pastors. For this reason, the main objective of NGF is to provide spiritual and financial support to seminaries in Central Asia for the training of domestic missionaries and pastors to enable them to be full-time servants of God.
As the vision for this ministry grew, God raised up family members, friends and acquaintances with specific areas of needed expertise who volunteered their services for the daunting task of beginning this ministry. Even complete strangers met on airplanes, who turned out to be Christians with a burden for the people of Kazakhstan and Central Aisa, volunteered their time to develop this ministry. We are thankful to all of these people for their faithful work and to God for His guidance and blessings.
We at New Gospel Frontiers believe that it is vitally important to never lose the focus of our original calling. For that reason, we want to present the key tenants of our Mission Statement that clearly indicates what God has led us to do:
- The one and only objective of New Gospel Frontiers is to win souls for Christ. The only measuring stick by which this ministry will be deemed a success will be the number of souls who trust Christ for their eternal salvation. The only programs that we support are those which directly achieve that result. There are many other fine organizations with Biblical callings, such as aiding the poor and the sick, and many of these programs have wonderful effects in peoples� lives; but those are not our callings. It is imperative that we remain true to God�s calling for our ministry. We have a specific function within the body of Christ, and we must fulfill that function and meet that need.
- The regional focus of New Gospel Frontiers is to minister to the people of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region. Our calling is to fulfill the Great Commission by supporting missions work to this newly liberated frontier that has not been previously exposed to Evangelical Christianity. We believe that by actively fighting in this arena of spiritual warfare, every hour of effort and each dollar spent is maximized in its benefit for the Kingdom of God. The ideal mission field is one where the Gospel has not been previously rejected over and over by hardened hearts. The ideal mission field is a country where the Gospel has never been widely spread, where the people have a natural spiritual thirst for the truth, and where a new window of opportunity is open to act. This is the situation right now in these newly independent states of the Former Soviet Union, and that is the arena where we are called to participate in God�s work.
- The operational focus of New Gospel Frontiers is to increase the number of domestic pastors and church planting missionaries in the field to spread the Gospel by working through existing Bible Institutes. Within the Former Soviet Union, foreign missions work has been successful in establishing a small Christian minority and basic Christian infrastructure. The emphasis now needs to shift to the training and support of domestic pastors and missionaries. In some of these Former Soviet Union countries, foreign missionaries have already been expelled due to the Muslim influence on the government. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a solid core of domestic pastors and church planting missionaries that can carry on the work within this region regardless of changes in regional politics. Also, this approach is much less expensive, as the full cost of supporting a seminary is roughly equivalent to supporting one foreign missionary. Further, this approach offers the benefit of linguistic expertise and cultural understanding on the part of the pastors and missionaries. The key obstacle is that the people within these developing nations do not currently have the financial resources to fund their own Biblical training to become pastors or missionaries. Thus there is currently a drastic shortage of full-time pastors and church planting missionaries in this region where so many people are open to the Gospel.
- New Gospel Frontiers is strictly a volunteer supported organization. Our basic operational premise is that all work that we perform is on a strictly voluntary basis. We have no employees who are salaried or who receive any compensation of any kind for their efforts. All funding raised, every dollar, goes directly to the mission field. NGF does not function as a financial clearinghouse or middle-man organization through which church funds pass. All funding goes directly from the U.S. church to the seminary.
To implement our Missions Statement, New Gospel Frontiers performs the following services:
- NGF will research areas of potential missions, focusing on new countries or countries that are newly independent that have not previously been widely exposed to the Gospel.
- NGF will evaluate the potential mission fields and prayerfully select those areas where we can be of most service to God.
- NGF will make contacts with Christian leaders (e.g. regional missions coordinators, Bible Institute directors, pastors, foreign missionaries) in the mission field regions selected.
- NGF will interview local Christian leaders and will perform independent assessments to identify the mission needs that would yield the maximum benefit for U.S. church support and involvement.
- NGF will evaluate the Christian people and organizations with whom we associate to verify that they are legitimate and that God�s money is effectively used in His service.
- NGF will develop country specific Mission Briefings for U.S. church mission boards to assess if this is a ministry which their church would like to support.
- NGF will communicate with and present the ministry options to U.S. churches for consideration by their mission boards.
- NGF will support participating U.S. churches by providing the logistical information needed to participate in this ministry.
- NGF will host an Internet web site where those involved in the ministry can easily access information about this ministry, including prayer requests from the country supported and NGF progress updates.
- NGF will continue to interface with the various Bible Institutes through whom we work to monitor progress, situational changes (e.g. religious freedom, political change, economic capabilities, etc.) and to evaluate new missions needs.
Conversely, to remain focused on our Missions Statement, New Gospel Frontiers is not involved in the following areas:
- NGF will not accept payments, donations or reimbursements of any kind; we are strictly a volunteer organization.
- NGF will not act as a financial clearing-house, middle-man or bank for financial transfers. We have not, nor do we intend to incorporate or request not-for-profit status with the Internal Revenue Service. Instead, we do offer information regarding a simple and straight-forward mechanism for funding transfers directly from the supporting U.S. church to the recipient. Thus tithes and offerings flow from individuals, to their church, and then directly to the mission field. In this way, donations to this ministry via your church are tax exempt just as all tithes and offerings to your local church are tax exempt.
- NGF will not act in the role of a controlling agency regarding the interface between a U.S. church and a foreign pastor, missionary, church or Institute. It is the responsibility of each individual and church to model Christ-centered behavior and God-like communications between themselves and other members of the Body of Christ.
- NGF will not support programs that are not directly related to our one and only objective as defined in this Missions Statement.
Within these parameters, we look forward to serving God in the capacity wherein He has called us, to trusting God to raise up the churches to support this ministry, and to seeing the work that God will do in this region of the world.